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Definition from ISO/CD 10303-42:1992: This function returns the difference of the input arguments as (Arg1 - Arg2). The function returns as a vector the vector difference of the two input vectors. The input arguments shall both be of the same dimensionality but may be either directions or vectors. If both input arguments are vectors they must be expressed in the same units, if both are directions a unitless result is produced. A zero difference vector produces a vector of zero magnitude..

NOTE  Corresponding STEP function: vector_different. Please refer to ISO/IS 10303-42:1994, p.109 for the final definition of the formal standard. 

HISTORY  New function in IFC Release 1.5

EXPRESS specification:

FUNCTION IfcVectorDifference
  (Arg1, Arg2 : IfcVectorOrDirection)
    : IfcVector;
  Result : IfcVector;
  Res, Vec1, Vec2 : IfcDirection;
  Mag, Mag1, Mag2 : REAL;
  Ndim : INTEGER;

  IF ((NOT EXISTS (Arg1)) OR (NOT EXISTS (Arg2))) OR (Arg1.Dim <> Arg2.Dim) THEN
    RETURN (?) ;
        Mag1 := Arg1.Magnitude;
        Vec1 := Arg1.Orientation;
        Mag1 := 1.0;
        Vec1 := Arg1;
        Mag2 := Arg2.Magnitude;
        Vec2 := Arg2.Orientation;
        Mag2 := 1.0;
        Vec2 := Arg2;
      Vec1 := IfcNormalise (Vec1);
      Vec2 := IfcNormalise (Vec2);
      Ndim := SIZEOF(Vec1.DirectionRatios);
      Mag  := 0.0;
      Res  := IfcRepresentationItem() || IfcGeometricRepresentationItem () || IfcDirection([0.0:Ndim]);

      REPEAT i := 1 TO Ndim;
        Res.DirectionRatios[i] := Mag1*Vec1.DirectionRatios[i] - Mag2*Vec2.DirectionRatios[i];
        Mag := Mag + (Res.DirectionRatios[i]*Res.DirectionRatios[i]);

      IF (Mag > 0.0 ) THEN
        Result := IfcRepresentationItem() || IfcGeometricRepresentationItem () || IfcVector( Res, SQRT(Mag));
        Result := IfcRepresentationItem() || IfcGeometricRepresentationItem () || IfcVector( Vec1, 0.0);
  RETURN (Result);