Definition from IAI: There are three kinds of light distribution
- Type A Photometry
- Type B Photometry
- Type C Photometry.
The following applies (Definitions according to Standard CEN TC 169,
prEN 13032-1, CIE 121 ):
- Type A is basically not used. For completeness the Type A Photometry
equals the Type B rotated 90° around the Z-Axis counter clockwise.
- Type B is sometimes used for floodlights. The B-Plane System has a
horizontal axis. B-Angles are valid from -180° to +180° with B 0°
at the bottom and B180°/B-180° at the top, β-Angles are valid from
-90° to +90°. (See the pictures below.)
- Type C is the recommended standard system. The C-Plane system equals
a globe with a vertical axis. C-Angles are valid from 0° to 360°,
γ-Angles are valid from 0° (south pole) to 180° (north pole). (See
the pictures below.)
B-Type System |
C-Type Syste, |
HISTORY: This is a new
enumeration in Release IFC2x Edition 2.
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum = ENUMERATION OF