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Definition from IAI: This enumeration type is needed for load definition and is only considered if the load values are given as global actions and if they define linear or planar loads.

The IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum type is referenced by the entity IfcStructuralAction and its respective subclasses. It also depends on the attribute valueGlobalOrLocal of supertype IfcStructuralActivity and should only take effect if GlobalOrLocal is set to GLOBAL_COORDS.

HISTORY: New type in Release IFC2x Edition 2.

projected or true length

Fig. 4-5
Illustration of the different interpretation of a load definition depending on the enumeration types IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum and IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum

EXPRESS specification:

TYPE IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum = ENUMERATION OF