Definition from IAI: An IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship
is a relationship class that enables a constraint to be related to one or more
HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x Edition 2.
Use Definition
An IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship allows for the specification
of a constraint to be applied to many properties. The constraints applied
therefore enable a property to carry values identifying requirements as well as
those identifying the fulfilment of those requirements.
The example below shows how a constraint may be applied to a property
within a property set. For simplicity, only the mandatory attributes are shown
as asserted. It shows how a property 'ThingWeight' which has a nominal value of
19.5 kg has two constraints that are logically aggregated by an AND connection.
One of the constraints has a benchmark of 'GREATERTHANOREQUALTO' whilst the
second has a benchmark of 'LESSTHANOREQUALTO'. This means that the constraint
must lie between these two bounding values. The relating constraint is
instantiated as an objective named as 'Weight Constraint' and qualified as a
SPECIFICATION constraint. The two related constraints are both specified as
metrics since they can have specific values.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship;
Attribute definitions:
The constraint that is to be related.
The properties to which a constraint is to be related.
A name used to identify or qualify the property constraint relationship.
A description that may apply additional information about a property constraint relationship.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship;