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Definition from ISO/CD 10303-41:1992: A date which is defined by a day in a month of a year.

NOTE Corresponding STEP name: calendar_date, please refer to ISO/IS 10303-41:1994 for the final definition of the formal standard.
HISTORY New entity in IFC Release 1.5.1.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcCalendarDate;
DayComponent  :  IfcDayInMonthNumber;
MonthComponent  :  IfcMonthInYearNumber;
YearComponent  :  IfcYearNumber;
WR21  :  IfcValidCalendarDate (SELF);

Attribute definitions:

DayComponent  :  The day element of the calendar date.
MonthComponent  :  The month element of the calendar date.
YearComponent  :  The year element of the calendar date.

Formal Propositions:

WR21  :  Checks that calendar date has a valid value with regard to the number of days
in a month including special cases of leap years.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcCalendarDate;
ENTITY IfcCalendarDate;
DayComponent  :  IfcDayInMonthNumber;
MonthComponent  :  IfcMonthInYearNumber;
YearComponent  :  IfcYearNumber;