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Definition from IAI: A container class for user defined properties of associated material. This provides a mechanism to assign properties that have not been defined in IFC specification.

EXAMPLE: A set of extended material properties for energy calculation purposes can be defined as:

Extended Material Properties for Energy Calculation
PropertyName Datatype Unit Description
ViscosityTemperatureDerivative REAL kg/m-s-K Viscosity temperature derivative.
MoistureCapacityThermalGradient REAL kg/kg-K Thermal gradient coefficient for moisture capacity. Based on water vapor density.
ThermalConductivityTemperatureDerivative REAL W/m-K2 Thermal conductivity temperature derivative.
SpecificHeatTemperatureDerivative REAL J/kg-K2 Specific heat temperature derivative.
VisibleRefractionIndex REAL - Index of refraction (visible) defines the "bending" of the sola! r ray in the visible spectrum when it passes from one medium into another.
SolarRefractionIndex REAL - Index of refraction (solar) defines the "bending" of the solar ray when it passes from one medium into another.
GasPressure REAL Pa Fill pressure (e.g. for between-pane gas fills): the pressure exerted by a mass of gas confined in a constant volume.
HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcExtendedMaterialProperties
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcMaterialProperties);
ExtendedProperties  :  SET [1:?] OF IfcProperty;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
Name  :  IfcLabel;

Attribute definitions:

ExtendedProperties  :  The set of material properties defined by user for this material.
Description  :  Description for the set of extended properties.
Name  :  The name given to the set of extended properties.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcExtendedMaterialProperties;
ENTITY IfcMaterialProperties;
Material  :  IfcMaterial;
ENTITY IfcExtendedMaterialProperties;
ExtendedProperties  :  SET [1:?] OF IfcProperty;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
Name  :  IfcLabel;