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Definition from IAI: This is a collection of mechanical material properties normally used for structural analysis purpose. It contains all properties which are independent of the actual material type.

HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties
SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(IfcMechanicalSteelMaterialProperties, IfcMechanicalConcreteMaterialProperties))
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcMaterialProperties);
DynamicViscosity  :  OPTIONAL IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure;
YoungModulus  :  OPTIONAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
ShearModulus  :  OPTIONAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
PoissonRatio  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
ThermalExpansionCoefficient  :  OPTIONAL IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure;
UR11  :  Material;
WR21  :  NOT(EXISTS(YoungModulus)) OR (YoungModulus >= 0.0);
WR22  :  NOT(EXISTS(ShearModulus)) OR (ShearModulus >= 0.0);

Attribute definitions:

DynamicViscosity  :  A measure of the viscous resistance of the material.
YoungModulus  :  A measure of the Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material.
ShearModulus  :  A measure of the shear modulus of elasticity of the material.
PoissonRatio  :  A measure of the lateral deformations in the elastic range.
ThermalExpansionCoefficient  :  A measure of the expansion coefficient for warming up the material about one Kelvin.

Formal Propositions:

WR21  :  Young modulus of a material may not be negative.
WR22  :  Shear modulus of a material may not be negative.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties;
ENTITY IfcMaterialProperties;
Material  :  IfcMaterial;
ENTITY IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties;
DynamicViscosity  :  OPTIONAL IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure;
YoungModulus  :  OPTIONAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
ShearModulus  :  OPTIONAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
PoissonRatio  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
ThermalExpansionCoefficient  :  OPTIONAL IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure;