from IAI: Determines the usage
of IfcMaterialLayerSet
in terms of its location and orientation relative to the associated
element geometry. The location of material layer set shall be
compatible with the element geometry (i.e. material layers shall fit
inside the element geometry).
EXAMPLE: For a cavity brick wall with
extruded geometric representation, the IfcMaterialLayerSet.TotalThickness
shall be equal to the wall thickness.
Material layer set is
primarily intended to be associated with planar elements with constant
thickness. With further agreements on the interpretation of layer set
direction, the usage can be extended also to other cases, e.g. to
curved elements.
Generally, an element may be
layered in any of its primary directions, denoted by its x, y or z
axis. However, with geometry use definitions for specific elements, it
may become evident which direction is the relevant one for layering.
EXAMPLE: For a standard wall with extruded
geometric representation (vertical extrusion), the layer set direction
shall be perpendicular to extrusion direction, and coincide with the
direction denoting the wall thickness (in positive or negative sense).
For a curved wall, "direction denoting the wall thickness" can be
derived from the element LCS, but it will remain perpendicular to the
wall path.
EXAMPLE: For a slab with vertically
extruded geometric representation, the layer set direction shall
coincide with the extrusion direction (in positive or negative sense).
Fig 1: shows the use of IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage
aligned to the axis of a wall.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage;
Attribute definitions:
Layer set to which the usage is applied.
Orientation of the layer set relative to element geometry. The meaning of the value of this attribute
shall be specified in the geometry use section for each element. For extruded geometric representation,
direction can be given along the extrusion path (e.g. for slabs) or perpendicular to it (e.g. for walls).
Denotion whether the layer set is oriented in positive or negative sense along the axis given by LayerSetDirection.
Offset of the material layer set (MlsBase) from reference line. The offset can be positive or negative,
unless restricted for a particular building element type in its use definition or by implementer agreement.
The reference line for each IfcElement is defined in use definition for the element.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage;