Definition from ISO/CD 10303-46:1992: The presentation layer
assignment entity assigns an identifying name and optionally a description to a
set of presentation and representation items.
Definition from IAI: The presentation layer assignment provides
the layer name (and optionally a description) for a collection of (styled or
unstyled) representation items. Visibility and access control and layer style
assignment (colour, line style, line width) is handled by the subtype
NOTE: Corresponding STEP name:
presentation layer assignment. Please refer to ISO/IS 10303-46:1994, p. 36 for
the final definition of the formal standard.
HISTORY: New entity in Release
IFC2x 2nd Edition.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcPresentationLayerAssignment
Attribute definitions:
Name of the layer.
Additional description of the layer.
The set of layered items, which are assigned to this layer.
An (internal) identifier assigned to the layer.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcPresentationLayerAssignment;