Definition from IAI: This is a collection of properties
applicable to all linear structural members having a profile definition.
HISTORY: New entity in Release
IFC2x Edition 2.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcGeneralProfileProperties
NOT(EXISTS(CrossSectionArea)) OR (CrossSectionArea > 0.);
Attribute definitions:
Weight of an imaginary steel beam per length, as for example given by the national standards for this
profile. Usually measured in [kg/m].
Perimeter of the profile for calculating the surface area. Usually measured in [mm].
This value is needed for stress analysis and to handle buckling problems. It can also be derived from
the given profile geometry and therefore it is only an optional feature allowing for an explicit description.
Usually measured in [mm].
This value is needed for stress analysis and to handle buckling problems. It can also be derived from
the given profile geometry and therefore it is only an optional feature allowing for an explicit description.
Usually measured in [mm].
Cross sectional area of profile. Usually measured in [mm2].
Formal Propositions:
The value of the cross section area shall (if given) be greater than zero.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcGeneralProfileProperties;