Definition from IAI. A description of the
door panel. A door panel is normally a door leaf that opens to allow
people or goods to pass. The parameters of the door panel define the
geometrically relevant parameter of the panel,
The IfcDoorPanelProperties are included in
the list of properties , given by attribute HasPropertySets
of the IfcDoorStyle. More information about the
door panel can be included in the same list of the IfcDoorStyle
using the IfcPropertySet for dynamic extensions.
New Entity in IFC Release 2.0.
Geometry Use Definitions
The IfcDoorPanelProperties does not hold
an own geometric representation. However it defines parameter, which
can be used to create the shape of the door style (which is inserted by
the IfcDoor into the spatial context of the
Interpretation of parameters
The parameters of the IfcDoorPanelProperties
define a standard door panel, including (if given) a proportional width
to define non-uniform double swing (or sliding, or folding) doors. The
outer boundary of the panel is determined by the occurrence parameter
assigned to the IfcDoor, which inserts the IfcDoorStyle.
It has to take the lining parameter into account as well.
The depth of
the panel (swinging, double-acting, and sliding panels) is defined by
the PanelDepth parameter.
For door
operation types that include more than one panel, the width of (at
least) one panel is given by a normalised ratio measure. It determines
the width of that panel, which is defined as a ratio of the overall
width of the door opening.
EXPRESS specification:
EXISTS(SELF\IfcPropertySetDefinition.DefinesType[1]) AND
Attribute definitions:
Depth of the door panel, measured perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf.
The PanelOperation defines the way of operation of that panel. The PanelOperation of the door panel has
to correspond with the OperationType of the IfcDoorStyle.
Width of this panel, given as ratio relative to the total clear opening width of the door.
Position of this panel within the door.
Pointer to the shape aspect, if given. The shape aspect reflects the part of the door shape, which represents
the door panel.
Formal Propositions:
The IfcDoorPanelProperties shall only be used in the context of an IfcDoorStyle.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcDoorPanelProperties;