Definition from IAI: The window lining is the frame which enables
the window to be fixed in position. The window lining is used to hold the
window panels or other casements. The parameter of the window lining
(IfcWindowLiningProperties) define the geometrically relevant parameter
of the lining.
The IfcWindowLiningProperties are included in the list of
properties (HasPropertySets) of the IfcWindowStyle. More
information about the window lining can be included in the same list of the
IfcWindowStyle using the IfcPropertySet for dynamic extensions.
HISTORY New Entity in IFC
Release 2.0. Has been renamed from IfcWindowLining in IFC Release 2x.
Geometry Use Definitions
The IfcWindowLiningProperties does not hold an own geometric
representation. However it defines parameter, which can be used to create the
shape of the window style (which is inserted by the IfcWindow into the
spatial context of the project).
Interpretation of parameter
The parameters at the IfcWindowLiningProperties define a standard
window lining, including (if given) a mullion and a transom (for horizontal and
vertical splits). The outer boundary of the lining is determined by the
occurrence parameter assigned to the IfcWindow, which inserts the
The lining is applied to all faces of the
opening reveal. The parameter are:
- LiningDepth
- LiningThickness
If the OperationType of the window
style is
- DoublePanelVertical (shown)
- TriplePanelBottom
- TriplePanelTop
- TriplePanelLeft
- TriplePanelRight
the following additional parameter apply:
- MullionThickness
- FirstMullionOffset - measured as offset to the Z axis
(in XZ plane)
If the OperationType of the window
style is
- DoublePanelHorizontal
- TriplePanelBottom
- TriplePanelTop
- TriplePanelLeft
- TriplePanelRight
the following additional parameter apply
- TransomThickness
- FirstTransomOffset measured as offset to the X axis (in
XZ plane)
If the OperationType of the window
style is
the following additional parameter apply
If the OperationType of the window
style is
the following additional parameter apply
- All offsets are given as a normalized ratio measure.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcWindowLiningProperties
NOT(NOT(EXISTS(LiningDepth)) AND EXISTS(LiningThickness));
NOT(NOT(EXISTS(FirstTransomOffset)) AND EXISTS(SecondTransomOffset));
NOT(NOT(EXISTS(FirstMullionOffset)) AND EXISTS(SecondMullionOffset));
EXISTS(SELF\IfcPropertySetDefinition.DefinesType[1]) AND
Attribute definitions:
Depth of the window lining (dimension measured perpendicular to window elevation plane).
Thickness of the window lining (measured parallel to the window elevation plane).
Thickness of the transom (horizontal separator of window panels within a window), measured parallel to
the window elevation plane. The transom is part of the lining and the transom depth is assumed to be
identical to the lining depth.
Thickness of the mullion (vertical separator of window panels within a window), measured parallel to
the window elevation plane. The mullion is part of the lining and the mullion depth is assumed to be
identical to the lining depth.
Offset of the transom centerline, measured along the z-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system.
An offset value = 0.5 indicates that the transom is positioned in the middle of the window.
Offset of the transom centerline for the second transom, measured along the x-axis of the window placement
co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.666 indicates that the second transom is positioned at two/third
of the window.
Offset of the mullion centerline, measured along the x-axis of the window placement co-ordinate system.
An offset value = 0.5 indicates that the mullion is positioned in the middle of the window.
Offset of the mullion centerline for the second mullion, measured along the x-axis of the window placement
co-ordinate system. An offset value = 0.666 indicates that the second mullion is positioned at two/third
of the window.
Optional link to a shape aspect definition, which points to the part of the geometric representation
of the window style, which is used to represent the lining.
Formal Propositions:
Either both parameter, LiningDepth and LiningThickness are given, or only the LiningThickness, then the LiningDepth is variable. It is not valid to only assert the LiningDepth.
NOTE A LiningDepth with NIL ($) value indicates a window style with a lining equal to the wall thickness.
Either both parameter, FirstTransomOffset and SecondTransomOffset are given, or only the FirstTransomOffset, or none of both. It is not valid to only assert the SecondTransomOffset.
Either both parameter, FirstMullionOffset and SecondMullionOffset are given, or only the FirstMullionOffset, or none of both. It is not valid to only assert the SecondMullionOffset.
The IfcWindowLiningProperties shall only be used in the context of an IfcWindowStyle.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcWindowLiningProperties;