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Definition from IAI: The space thermal load IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties defines all thermal losses and gains occurring within a space or zone. Those losses or gains can either be requirements (desired values) or criteria (actual values). The thermal load source attribute defines an enumeration of possible sources of the thermal load. The maximum, minimum, time series and applicable value ratio values are all interpreted according to the source. The maximum and minimum values should not be used if time series values are provided.

The IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties is a statically defined property set and should be attached to the instance(s) of IfcSpace through the IfcRelDefinesByProperties relationship. If there are several different thermal loads occuring within a space, multiple instances of IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties should be assigned.

HISTORY: New entity in IFC R2.0, has been renamed from IfcSpaceUseCase in IFC Release 2x.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcPropertySetDefinition);
ApplicableValueRatio  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
ThermalLoadSource  :  IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum;
PropertySource  :  IfcPropertySourceEnum;
SourceDescription  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
MaximumValue  :  IfcPowerMeasure;
MinimumValue  :  OPTIONAL IfcPowerMeasure;
ThermalLoadTimeSeriesValues  :  OPTIONAL IfcTimeSeries;
UserDefinedThermalLoadSource  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
UserDefinedPropertySource  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
ThermalLoadType  :  IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum;

Attribute definitions:

ApplicableValueRatio  :  Percentage of use requirement or criteria applicable to the space, interpretation depends on the source type.
ThermalLoadSource  :  Source of the thermal loss or gain. Depending on the source, the maximum and minimum values have to be interpreted. Refer to the space usage in Pset_SpaceProgramCommon to determine thermal loads associated with the activity levels of people.
PropertySource  :  The source of the space thermal load properties (e.g., are these design values, measured values, etc.).
SourceDescription  :  Further specification for the source, which might be specific for a region or project. E.g. whether the heat gain from Person is caused by specific activities.
MaximumValue  :  The maximum thermal load value. If this value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If the value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space. If the minimum value is not specified, then this value is the actual value. At least one of the maximum, minimum, or time series values must be specified.
MinimumValue  :  The minimum thermal load value. If this value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If the value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space. The requirement for the inclusion of this attribute is dependant on the load source. At least one of the maximum, minimum, or time series values must be specified.
ThermalLoadTimeSeriesValues  :  A time series of the thermal load values. If a value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If the value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space. These values are contributed from the specified thermal load source. At least one of the maximum, minimum, or time series values must be specified.
UserDefinedThermalLoadSource  :  This attribute must be defined if the ThermalLoadSource is USERDEFINED.
UserDefinedPropertySource  :  This attribute must be defined if the PropertySource is USERDEFINED.
ThermalLoadType  :  Defines the type of thermal load (e.g., sensible, latent, radiant, etc.).

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties;
GlobalId  :  IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory  :  IfcOwnerHistory;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcPropertyDefinition;
HasAssociations  :  SET OF IfcRelAssociates FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcPropertySetDefinition;
PropertyDefinitionOf  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDefinesByProperties FOR RelatingPropertyDefinition;
DefinesType  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcTypeObject FOR HasPropertySets;
ENTITY IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties;
ApplicableValueRatio  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
ThermalLoadSource  :  IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum;
PropertySource  :  IfcPropertySourceEnum;
SourceDescription  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
MaximumValue  :  IfcPowerMeasure;
MinimumValue  :  OPTIONAL IfcPowerMeasure;
ThermalLoadTimeSeriesValues  :  OPTIONAL IfcTimeSeries;
UserDefinedThermalLoadSource  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
UserDefinedPropertySource  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
ThermalLoadType  :  IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum;