Definition from IAI: A steel element such as a wire, cable, bar,
rod, or strand used to impart prestress to concrete when the element is
HISTORY New entity in IFC
Release 2x2
Geometry Use Definitions:
The geometric representation of IfcTendon is given by the
IfcProductDefinitionShape, allowing multiple geometric representations.
Included are:
Local Placement
The use of local placement is defined at the
supertype IfcBuildingElementComponent.
Standard Geometric Representation using Swept Solid
The standard geometric representation of
IfcTendon is defined using the swept solid representation. The
RepresentationType attribute of IfcShapeRepresentation should
have the value 'SweptSolid'. The solid is formed from a cross section
approximated as a circular disk swept along any arbitrary curve. Given this,
the following constraints apply to the standard representation:
- Solid: IfcSweptDiskSolid introduced in IFC Release 2x2
shall be supported.
- Profile: The circular disk cross section approximation is
defined by the Radius attribute of IfcSweptDiskSolid.
- Extrusion: The extrusion along any arbitrary curve is defined
by the Directrix attribute of IfcSweptDiskSolid.
Simplified Geometric Representation
Simplified geometric
representations may be used based on local agreements.
EXPRESS specification:
(PredefinedType <> IfcTendonTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) OR ((PredefinedType = IfcTendonTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) AND EXISTS(SELF\IfcObject.ObjectType)) ;
Attribute definitions:
Predefined generic types for a tendon.
The nominal diameter defining the cross-section size of the tendon.
The effective cross-section area of the tendon.
The maximum allowed tension force that can be applied on the tendon.
The prestress to be applied on the tendon.
The friction coefficient for the bond between the tendon and the surrounding concrete.
The deformation of an anchor or slippage of tendons when the prestressing device is released.
The smallest curvature radius calculated on the whole effective length of the tendon where the tension
properties are still valid.
Formal Propositions:
The attribute ObjectType shall be given, if the predefined type is set to USERDEFINED.
Inheritance graph