Definition from ISO/CD 10303-46:1992: An
annotation fill area is a set of curves that may be filled with
hatching, colour or tiling. The annotation fill are is described by
boundaries which consist of non-intersecting, non-self-intersecting
closed curves. These curves form the boundary of planar areas to be
filled according to the style for the annotation fill area.
NOTE: A curve that is not surrounded by any
other curve is a border between an unfilled area on the outside and a
filled area on the inside. Another curve may surround an unfilled area
if it is surrounded by another curve whose inside is a filled area.
Illustration from ISO 10303-46
Corresponding STEP name: annotation_fill_area. Please refer to ISO/IS
10303-46:1994 for the final definition of the formal
Definition from IAI: The IfcAnnotationFillArea
defines an area by a definite OuterBoundary, that
might include InnerBoundaries. The areas defined by
the InnerBoundaries are excluded from applying the
fill area style.
Informal Proposition:
- Any curve that describes an inner boundary shall not
intersect with, nor include, another curve defining an inner boundary.
- The curve defining the outer boundary shall not intersect
with any curve defining an iner boundary, nor shall it be surrounded by
a curve defining an inner boundary.
New entity in Release IFC2x 2nd Edition.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE
The two attributes OuterBoundary and InnerBoundaries
are added and replace the previous single boundary.
EXPRESS specification:
OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcCurve;
Attribute definitions:
A closed curve that defines the outer boundary of the fill area. The areas defined by the outer boundary (minus potenially defined inner boundaries) is filled by the fill area style.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE The two new attributes OuterBoundary and InnerBoundaries replace the old single attribute Boundaries.
A set of inner curves that define the inner boundaries of the fill area. The areas defined by the inner boundaries are excluded from applying the fill area style.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE The two new attributes OuterBoundary and InnerBoundaries replace the old single attribute Boundaries.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcAnnotationFillArea;
OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcCurve;