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Definition from IAI: The text literal is a geometric representation item which describes a text string using a string literal and additional position, and path information.

NOTE  The IfcTextLiteral is an entity that had been adopted from ISO 10303, Industrial automation systems and integration—Product data representation and exchange,.
NOTE  Corresponding STEP name: text_literal. Please refer to ISO/IS 10303-46:1994 for the final definition of the formal standard. The attributes font and alignment have been removed as those should be handled by the text style.
HISTORY  New entity in Release IFC2x Edition 2.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE  The IfcTextLiteral has been changed by removing Font and Alignment.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcTextLiteral
SUPERTYPE OF (IfcTextLiteralWithExtent)
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcGeometricRepresentationItem);
Literal  :  IfcPresentableText;
Placement  :  IfcAxis2Placement;
Path  :  IfcTextPath;

Attribute definitions:

Literal  :  The text literal to be presented.
Placement  :  An IfcAxis2Placement that determines the placement and orientation of the presented string.
When used with a text style based on IfcTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics then the y-axis is taken as the reference direction for the box rotation angle and the box slant angle.
Path  :  The writing direction of the text literal.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcTextLiteral;
ENTITY IfcRepresentationItem;
LayerAssignments  :  SET OF IfcPresentationLayerAssignment FOR AssignedItems;
StyledByItem  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcStyledItem FOR Item;
ENTITY IfcGeometricRepresentationItem;
ENTITY IfcTextLiteral;
Literal  :  IfcPresentableText;
Placement  :  IfcAxis2Placement;
Path  :  IfcTextPath;