The data model consists of the following:
The schema IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
defines the resources used for geometric representations and
presentations of styled items. The primary application of this resource
is for presenting the annotation occurrences of curve, text, filled
area, symbol, and surfaces. The organization resource focusses on the
provision of layer assignments and light objects.
The definitions of this resource of the IFC model have been taken from
the International Standard 10303: "Industrial automation systems and
integration - Product data representation and exchange", Part 46
"Integrated generic resources: Visual presentation". The reference of
the final international standard is ISO/IS 10303-46:1994. The IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
refers to the clause 4, "Presentation organization" of the standard.
The definitions taken from ISO/IS 10303-46:1994 have undergone
a adaptation process, characterized by:
- adaptation of the IFC naming convention (inner majuscules
and Ifc prefix)
- adaptation of the STEP entities, where multiple inheritance
or non-exclusive inheritance (i.e. AND or ANDOR subtype constraints)
are used
- selection of a subset of the IR, using subtype and select
- dimensionality of geometric representation items defined at
each item (not through the representation context)
- omission of the name attribute at the representation item
In addition to the adaptations from ISO/IS 10303-46:1994 the
following changes and additions have been made:
- lighting sources have additional capabilities partially
taken from
- ISO/IEC 14772-1: 1997: The Virtual Reality Modeling
Language (VRML) specification
The semantic definitions of IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
are defined following the adaptation of the ISO/CD
10303-46:1992, Industrial Automation Systems and
Integration: Product Data Representation and Exchange - Part 46:
Integrated Generic Resources. Visual presentation. The type,
class, and function semantic definition sections follow the adapted
wording of the working draft, which is clearly indicated and quoted at
each reference.
The definitions of all parts of the IfcPresentationAppearanceResource,
that are taken from ISO10303-46, or ISO/IEC 14772-1, are explicitly
excluded from the copyright of the International Alliance of
For more information on the definitions as defined in the formal ISO
standard please refer to: ISO/IS 10303-46:1994, Industrial Automation
Systems and Integration: Product Data Representation and Exchange -
Part 46: Integrated generic resources: Visual presentation. The formal
standard can be obtained through the local publishers of standards in
each individual country.
For more information on the definitions of the Virtual Reality Modeling
Language (VRML) specification, see http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/vrml/index.html.
Please also note, that VRML is now deprecated in favor of X3D (however
X3D took over most of the VRML definitions quoted here.
The following is within the scope of the current versions of
the presentation resources:
- definition of presentation style attributes for realistic
and symbolic visualizations of geometric and non-geometric displayble
elements in the product information, including presentation styles for
- curve
- text
- filled area
- symbol
- surface
- support of externally defined character fonts and symbols;
- support of pre defined character fonts and symbols;
- image control by a layer mechanism.
Interfaced schemas (6):
IfcLabel, IfcText, IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure, IfcReal, IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure, IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure, IfcLuminousFluxMeasure, IfcPlaneAngleMeasure, IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure, IfcIdentifier);
Entities (10):
Select types (2):
Enumerations (2):