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Definition from IAI: The entity IfcStructuralLoadGroup is used to structure the physical impacts. By using the grouping features inherited from IfcGroup, instances of IfcStructuralAction (or its subclasses) and of IfcStructuralLoadGroup can be used to define load groups, load cases and load combinations. An optional coefficient can be provided to represent safety factors known from several codes of practice. (see also IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum)

NOTE: Important functionality for the description of a load-bearing system is derived from the existing IFC entity IfcGroup. This class provides, via the relationship class IfcRelAssignsToGroup, the needed grouping mechanism. In this way, instances of IfcStructuralAction belonging to a specific load group can be unambiguously determined.

HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x Edition 2.

Use Definition

The following example illustrates the use of this entity class for the different load group types. Common to all these types is the application of the same grouping mechanism (via IfcGroup) for the specification of the needed groups that may optionally contain an additional load factor (attribute Coefficient). The calculation of internal forces and the provision of safety coefficients is dependent on the building codes used; therefore only a generic representation of load groups is provided by this entity class.

Fig. 4-13

 Example for the definition of load cases.

Fig. 4-14

 Example for the definition of load combination groups.

Fig. 4-15

 Example for the definition of load combinations.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcStructuralLoadGroup
SUBTYPE OF ( IfcGroup);
PredefinedType  :  IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum;
ActionType  :  IfcActionTypeEnum;
ActionSource  :  IfcActionSourceTypeEnum;
Coefficient  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
Purpose  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
SourceOfResultGroup  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcStructuralResultGroup FOR ResultForLoadGroup;
LoadGroupFor  :  SET OF IfcStructuralAnalysisModel FOR LoadedBy;

Attribute definitions:

PredefinedType  :  Selects a predefined type for the load group. It can be differentiated between load groups, load cases, load combination groups (a necessary construct for the description of load combinations) and load combinations.
ActionType  :  Optional definition of the action type which is normally needed
if 'PredefinedType' specifies a LOAD_COMBINATION_GROUP
(see also IfcActionTypeEnum).
ActionSource  :  Optional definition of the action source which is normally needed
if 'PredefinedType' defines a LOAD_CASE (see also IfcActionSourceTypeEnum).
Coefficient  :  Optional load factor. If no value is given, no factor is applied.
Purpose  :  Optional description of the purpose of that instance.
LoadGroupFor  :  Optional reference to instances of IfcStructuralAnalysisModel in which this load group is used.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcStructuralLoadGroup;
GlobalId  :  IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory  :  IfcOwnerHistory;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition;
HasAssignments  :  SET OF IfcRelAssigns FOR RelatedObjects;
IsDecomposedBy  :  SET OF IfcRelDecomposes FOR RelatingObject;
Decomposes  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcRelDecomposes FOR RelatedObjects;
HasAssociations  :  SET OF IfcRelAssociates FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcObject;
ObjectType  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
IsDefinedBy  :  SET OF IfcRelDefines FOR RelatedObjects;
ENTITY IfcGroup;
IsGroupedBy  :  IfcRelAssignsToGroup FOR RelatingGroup;
ENTITY IfcStructuralLoadGroup;
PredefinedType  :  IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum;
ActionType  :  IfcActionTypeEnum;
ActionSource  :  IfcActionSourceTypeEnum;
Coefficient  :  OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
Purpose  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
SourceOfResultGroup  :  SET [0:1] OF IfcStructuralResultGroup FOR ResultForLoadGroup;
LoadGroupFor  :  SET OF IfcStructuralAnalysisModel FOR LoadedBy;