Definition from IAI: Instances of the entity
IfcStructuralResultGroup are used to group results of structural
analysis calculations and to capture the connection to the underlying basic
load group. The basic functionality for grouping inherited from IfcGroup
is used to collect instances from IfcStructuralReaction or its
respective subclasses.
HISTORY: New entity in Release IFC2x
Edition 2.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcStructuralResultGroup
Attribute definitions:
Specifies the analysis theory used to obtain the respective results.
Reference to an instance of IfcStructuralLoadGroup for which this instance represents the result.
This Boolean value allows to easily recognize if a linear analysis has been applied (allowing the superposition
of analysis results), or vice versa.
Reference to an instance of IfcStructuralAnalysisModel for which this instance captures a result.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcStructuralResultGroup;