The data model consists of the following:
The IfcStructuralAnalysisDomain describes the structural analysis
model in order to tightly integrate the structural engineering domain. It
reuses the existing building element and spatial structure element definition
and associates the structural assumptions to it. The focus is to ensure that
structural engineering information is captures and made visible to other
related domains.
The following features are in scope:
- Defining planar and/or spatial structural analysis models which can
be used by structural analysis applications.
- Included are, basically:
- point, line and planar structural elements as well as supports
- their connectivity and support conditions.
- Specification of loadings including point, line planar and
temperature loads and the assignment to load groups, load cases and load
- Specification of different structural analysis models which is
needed to describe different aspects or parts of the building. Furthermore,
dependencies between these models can be stored in the model for further use.
- Analysis results defined by force and displacement.
Currently not in scope are:
- Dynamic analysis
- Description of prestressed loads
- Finite element topology
- Detailed results in finite element meshes as well as stresses and
strains in the structural elements.
HISTORY: New schema in Release
IFC2x Edition 2.
Interfaced schemas (9):
Entities (27):
Select types (2):
Enumerations (8):
Functions (1):